Energy and Wellbeing Expos

Our events are gatherings of local individuals and businesses, as well as others who love to travel, who join together to share their gifts, knowledge and products with each other and anyone who is interested.
  • Our events are gatherings of local individuals and businesses, as well as others who love to travel, who join together to share their gifts, knowledge and products with each other and anyone who is interested.
  • There is always a variety of modalities on offer as well as a wide range of products from different fields. Often we have local handmade products made with love. Usually there are many crystals to choose from, as well as oracle cards, wellbeing books, jewellery, artworks and gift wares.
  • Our psychic readers work from the heart and focus on their clients. Each one works in their own way, from mediumship to palmistry, from artistry to angel cards.
  • An aura camera is often on hand with interpretations done by Di Woodstock
  • There is always yummy food and coffee available.
  • Pre-bookings for some readers can be made by contacting Di Woodstock on 0419 224 628 and can be done up to 2 weeks prior to an event. Details on our psychic readers are available on this page two weeks prior to each event. Their information is at the bottom of this page.
  • Anyone interested in a stall at an event is welcome to apply through the Stall Holder Application form or email us on

We are heart-centered and work with the highest integrity. Always for the greater good of all.

Gympie QLD

LOCATION: The Hall – 35 Graham St

Saturday 15th March 2025

Saturday 13th September 2025

9am till 4pm $5 entry per person

Stall Holder Application

Maryborough QLD

LOCATION: Brolga Theatre – 5 Walker St

Saturday 8th March 2025

Saturday 18th October 2025

9am till 4pm $5 entry per person

Stall Holder Application
  • Magicality

    The Expos are run by Di Woodstock from Magicality at 15 Mary St Gympie. We have a massive range of Oracle and Tarot Cards, journals and other treasures. EFT is available. If there is a deck you are looking for - let me know and I can bring it along for you. 0419 224 628

  • ATM and Payments

    Please bring cash as EFT is limited at the venues. Most businesses will offer EFT but not all of them do. Magicality can offer "cash out" for a $3 fee.

    Please note that the service fee of 1.6% will be added to EFT transactions.

  • Psychic Readers Room

    Pre-bookings for some Readers can be made by contacting Di Woodstock on 0419 224 628 up to 2 weeks prior to an event. Details on our psychic readers are available on this page 2 weeks from the event and on our facebook page. They are $50 for 30mins.

  • Other Psychic Readers

    There will be other readings available within the venue as some people prefer to read from their own space. They will do their own bookings and their own pricing. Information on them is best found on our Facebook page prior to the event.

  • Food and Coffee

    We always aim to have a food truck and coffee van at our events. They do all offer EFT and do accept cash. If you have a specific dietry requirement, they may not be able to cater to you so please be mindful.

  • What to expect at an Expo

    Psychic Readings, Spirit Drawings, Aura Photos, Books, Journals, Oracle & Tarot Cards, Energy Healings, Crystal Jewellery, Crystals, Artworks, Reiki, Local Practitioners, Hand made gifts, Essential Oils and lovely people.

  • Lucky Entry forms

    When guests pay their $5 to attend our events, we have a little form filled out to enter our lucky door prizes - winners are phoned on the day of the event.

    The information never ever shared to anyone. The slips are burnt in a fire pit and buried in the ground with love. If the visitor has notified that they are happy to receive information about upcoming expo events and/or Magicality news, then their name and email address is added to our email file and we then send the odd email out (not very often at all due to time constraints). If anyone then unsubscribes - their details are immediately deleted in the file by Di

  • Stall holders

    If you are interested in being a part of our events, the price for a stall begins at $110 and different sizes are available depending on requirements. Please complete the application forms above. An email will be sent advising if you are accepted as we do book up quickly.

  • Children

    Children are free under 16 however we are aimed at adults mainly so while they are of course welcome, we do not have activities for them.

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  • Sharon Costello - MB & GYM

    Sharon is a clairvoyant psychic medium, communicating with loved ones in the spirit world includes psychometry where she holds a piece of your jewellery. $50 per half hour

  • Sharon Brown - MB

    Sharon is a gifted and highly respected psychic medium based in Gympie. She connects with loved ones and offers guidance. $50 per half hour

  • Caithe Cameron - GYM

    Caithe is a Reiki Master and Palmist - she is looking forward to seeing what is in your hands. $50 per half hour

  • Ranald Millar - GYM & MB

    Ranald uses psychometry & tarot in his readings. He channels messages for the highest good. $50 per half hour

  • April Nicholls - GYM

    April is from Orange Moon Mystical and looks forward to offering Tarot readings in Gympie. $50 per half hour

  • Tonze - GYM & MB

    Tonze is a old school style Tarot reader and also connects to spirit to brings through messages. $50 per half hour.

  • Mel Mazing - MB

    Mel Mazing is a Psychic Medium and looks forward to bringing her gifts and connections to new people. $50 per half hour

  • Tamara - MB & GYM

    Tamara is offering Tarot readings regarding Past, Present and Future guidance. $50 per half hour

  • Jenni - GYM

    Jenni is a gifted artist who brings your reading through putting her hands on your head and then transferring the information into messages in pastel. $65 per session

  • Natasha Symons - GYM

    Natasha is a highly regarded practitioner who says it as it is and doesn't sugar coat the messages she receives and through the cards she uses. $50 per half hour

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